Practical Solutions for 4 Bad Study Habits

Have you ever studied for an exam only for you to perform poorly? A poor test result after several hours of hard work can be a confidence buster. If this ever happens, there is a high possibility that your present study habits are failing you. All the same, don’t be tensed, you can turn it around. 


1. Taking linear notes

Linear notes are those that students take when they write down every word a lecturer says. You might be wondering how it can be bad to capture everything the lecturer puts across. It is totally okay to write down everything a lecturer says. However, one should take time to follow up with the notes somehow. Figure out the relationship between the different sections. Draw arrows from a concept to another that is closely related. While at it, make some additional notes in the margins. 


2. Rewriting notes

Students have a tendency of rewriting notes under the myth that repetition helps boost memory. Although repetition is a valuable initial step, it cannot be effective when used alone. You should rewrite the notes in the shrinking outline method, but remember to follow up with self-testing techniques. 


3. Highlighting books

Many are as guilty as charged when it comes to marking their books with the nice bright colors. Bright markings have a great visual impact, so highlighting could be deceiving. Too much highlighting when reading might make you feel like you are doing a lot of great studying. Reading the highlighted words over and over is not effective either. Instead, use the highlighted data to develop a practical exam. 


4. Cramming definitions

Students spend too much time using flashcards to memorize certain definitions. The study method is an effective one, but should only be an initial step in the learning process. You should be ready to explain how these terms are relevant in the unit.